
020 8399 1415

Wedding, Events & Conference Facilities

Terms and Conditions for use of Facilities


Glenmore House trades under the name of The Surbiton Masonic Hall Limited.

The Surbiton Masonic Hall Limited ask customers to be aware that these conditions shall apply to all contracts for the provision of goods and services for Conferences, meetings, functions and events to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions.

The Surbiton Masonic Hall Limited is herein after referred to as Glenmore House and the company or person hiring the Facilities and services is herein after referred to as the Customer. In these conditions of use, the Customer shall mean the person signing the booking form and where the person has signed the form on behalf of an organisation, the organisation is also considered as the customer and shall be jointly liable.

The land and buildings to be accepted and/or used by the customer are herein after called the Premises. The function shall mean the Conference, meeting, function or event that the premises are to be used for. The price of the facilities and services at the premises shall be in accordance with the quoted tariffs and booking form, which are inclusive of VAT. All payments shall be made to The Surbiton Masonic Hall Limited in accordance with the Booking Form.


  1. Confirmation and Deposits


Bookings will be treated as provisional bookings until such time as they are confirmed in writing on an official booking form and the deposit is received in full.

The deposit will be determined by Glenmore House and will generally be £750 for a wedding booking, and for conferences, or other events 25% of the estimated total function cost, unless otherwise agreed (minimum £200).

Should the customer fail to pay the required deposit, Glenmore House will consider the provisional booking as having been cancelled by the customer. The customer shall indicate on the booking form a good estimate of the expected numbers. Large reductions from the booked numbers and the final numbers may incur additional charges.

The deposit is non-refundable in the event of a cancellation of the booking. The deposit will be retained against any damages and/or incurred expenses until after the function has taken place, unless the recommended insurance cover is in place with the Glenmore House provider. The deposit will be refunded in full, if no damage and/or expenses occur. Should damage or expenses occur the cost will be deducted from the deposit and the balance refunded. Glenmore House reserves the right to determine what constitutes reasonable damage or expenses (see paragraph 5. Damages)

The Customer must inform Glenmore House 14 working days prior to the Function, the number of guests attending. The Company will endeavour to accommodate any increase over previously

advised numbers, and the final invoice will be based on this number. A reduction in numbers after confirmation will not be reflected in the final invoice.


  1. Hire Fee


The hire fee for the use of the Elizabethan Suite as outlined in your initial enquiry, is £450 for weddings provided that minimum numbers are met. These are outlined as follows: A minimum of 65 adult guests catered for with a sit-down wedding breakfast is required, though this is subject to the discretion of Glenmore House. If attendance numbers fall below the minimum number of guests required, the room hire fee will then increase to £750.The hire fee for the use of the civil ceremony room facilities is £350 regardless of attendance numbers.

The hire fee for non-wedding events will be determined at the discretion of Glenmore House.

The room hire fee of the Elizabethan Suite for a booking using an external catering company is £1700 + VAT, unless otherwise agreed by Glenmore House.


  1. Cancellations


Cancellation of a confirmed booking must be made in writing. A cancellation charge is payable

calculated on the following basis.

Cancellation Period Charge:

12 months or more prior to the date of the function = Non-refundable deposit

Between 12 and 8 months prior to the date of the function = 25% estimated function cost

less deposit paid

Between 8 months to 28 days prior to the date of the function = 50% estimated function cost

less deposit paid

28 days or under prior to the date of the function = 100% estimated function cost less deposit paid

Any cancellation charges will be invoiced immediately upon notification of the cancellation.

However, Glenmore House will use its best endeavour to replace a cancelled function and if successful in doing so, may refund part of the cancellation charges.

Glenmore House reserves the right to close all or part of the premises, or prohibit the use of the facilities, at its discretion. Any amounts paid in respect of a booking will be refunded in full in such an instance.

Glenmore House is not responsible for temporary closure of all or part of the premises or interruption or cancellation of the customers booking caused by circumstances beyond its control, including (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) any breakdown of machinery, failure of supply of electricity or gas, leakage of water, Act of God, strike or industrial action. In these circumstances Glenmore House will use its best endeavours to assist the customer.


  1. Price Variations


In the event of circumstances beyond the control of Glenmore House, e.g. an increase in the standard rate of VAT or increase in suppliers’ charges, Glenmore House reserves the right to vary the prices quoted to an extent that reflects such changed circumstances. In many instances Weddings are booked a year or more in advance, it should be noted that the prices will likely fluctuate slightly

between the time of booking and the time of the function; this is similar with most banqueting venues.

  1. Agents


Customers contacting Glenmore House through an agent will be responsible for all payments. Glenmore House will not knowingly invoice or pay an intermediary.

  1. Damages


The customer will be fully responsible for all persons and property brought onto the premises during the period of use and shall indemnify Glenmore House from any loss or damage to property, including property of the customer. The customer agrees to undertake to pay the cost of making good damages that may occur, whether to buildings, fixtures and fittings, furniture, equipment, or otherwise and howsoever cause, by reason of such use.

Customers must not use nails, pins, tape, blu tac etc. to any part of Glenmore House and must ensure that all areas used are left in a clean and tidy state. Notices or decoration can only be displayed through liaison with the Glenmore House Events Team, the Centre Facilitator or their nominated representative. Under no circumstances may decoration be placed in front of fire routes or fire escapes.

Glenmore House recommends that wedding insurance is taken out, and can recommend a suitable supplier offering comprehensive cover.


  1. Equipment Storage


Glenmore House will assist customers with all reasonable requests to store items of equipment and decoration but Glenmore House does not accept any liability for loss or damage to any item stored. All items stored on the premises by Customers or their guests are left at the owner’s risk.


  1. Refreshments and Corkage


No soft beverages, wines or spirits may be brought from offsite by customers or guests for consumption on the premises unless prior consent of Glenmore House has been obtained and for which a corkage charge will be paid. Current policy dictates that Glenmore House does not offer a corkage facility, unless there are substantial mitigating factors determinable only by the Managing Director of Glenmore House.

Glenmore House or its nominee retains the right of sale of all refreshments, alcohol, and liquor. No refreshments of any description may be brought onto the premises by the Hirer for consumption or resale. Patrons found with refreshments other than provided by Glenmore House will be required to leave the premises immediately.


Unless otherwise agreed by the Managing Director, Customers are not permitted to bring their own food for consumption onto the premises, the sole exception to this being wedding cakes (a sample of which will be required to be retained by the venue) or packaged confectionary for a “sweet cart/station”. In cases where the venue has agreed to food being brought onto the premises, Glenmore House will not be responsible for the consumption of these food items.

In cases where the hire of an external caterer by the Customer has been permitted by Glenmore House, an External Caterer Agreement, which contains additional Terms and Conditions applicable to events using and External Catering Company, must be signed by the Customer in advance of the event. In addition to this, a Method Statement must also be completed and submitted to Glenmore House by the caterer.

Glenmore House will not be responsible for the consumption of food prepared on the premises when removed from the premises. Removal of any food made and prepared by Glenmore House from the premises will always require a signed disclaimer, and provision of suitable receptacles.



  1. Function Sheet


Prior to the Function a copy of the Function sheet should be forwarded to the Customer. The details should be checked to ensure that they are as the Customer has requested, and then a signed copy must be returned to the Glenmore House Office. Usually completion of the function sheet will be by personal visit to Glenmore House and liaison with either the Food & Beverage Manager and/or the Wedding Co-ordinator. This Function Sheet will be used for billing, and forms the basis of the contract with Glenmore House. If the delivery of services for your event are delayed by late arrivals or changes on the day, not previously agreed with the Glenmore House and set out in the function sheet, Glenmore House will not be held responsible for any further delays this may cause.


  1. Payment Procedures


Payment procedures for all facilities and services shall be as follows:

  • i) A function event may be provisionally reserved for up to 7 days free of charge. However, Glenmore House reserves the right to sell this date without prior notification. After the seven-calendar day period the provisional reservation ceases without further communication. A deposit is payable upon booking form to confirm (see paragraph 1)
  • ii) 5-4 weeks prior to the function, the customer shall meet either the Food & Beverage Manager and/or the Wedding Co-ordinator or their nominated representative to discuss final details by prior appointment at a mutually convenient time.
  • iii) Following or during this meeting, the function sheet will be completed confirming all arrangements. This must be checked, signed, dated and returned to the Glenmore House representative.
  • iv) The Customer shall notify Glenmore House of final numbers not less than 14 working days prior to the date of the function.
  • v) An invoice will be raised prior to the function for the final balance. This will be payable 12 working days prior to the Reception.
  • vi) If the recommended Insurance is not taken out the paid deposit amount shall be returned via bank transfer no later than 10 workings days following the wedding providing the venue has been provided with the relevant account details for the transfer.


  1. Sub Letting and Occupancy.


The customer shall not sub-let premises without prior agreement with Glenmore House.

Glenmore House reserves the right of entry to the premises by its employees or other authorised agents of Glenmore House. The customer shall not permit more than the agreed number of people to use the facilities.


  1. Fire Precautions


Fire precaution notices are distributed throughout Glenmore House. Customers must ensure that their guests are aware of these notices. Under no circumstances should Fire Alarms be ignored. All doors must remain clear of obstruction at all times. Some doors within Glenmore House, although fire doors, are kept open utilising magnetic fasteners which will release the door(s) in the event of a fire alarm activation; it is imperative that these doors are not obstructed.


  1. Confetti, Fireworks and Pyrotechnics


The use of confetti is only permitted outside the front of Glenmore House, and in the Elizabethan Ballroom. No confetti should be used inside any other public areas or rooms within the venue.

Customers must ensure that their guests are aware of this. Confetti filled balloons are not permitted inside the Glenmore House. Poppers and streamers may be used within the Elizabethan Suite. Fireworks and lanterns are not permitted. Pyrotechnic or smoke generating devices or displays are not permitted. Candles may be permitted, but consultation should first be made with the Food & Beverage Manager, the Wedding Co-ordinator or their nominated representative. Lit candles must be subject of suitable supervision.


  1. Noise Limiter


A noise limiter is installed in the Elizabethan Suite to comply with the requirements of the Local Authority. Glenmore House will not be held responsible for damage caused to amplifiers in the event of the voltage reduction switch cutting out when noise levels exceed the agreed levels. If the level exceeds the prescribed limit, a 10 second amber to red warning light will be illuminated. After the red warning light has been illuminated for 20 seconds the power will be cut automatically, there is no override to the facility. Customers are responsible for advising entertainers of this fact. The limiter is set to a generous 100 decibels. Whilst most professional bands are used to playing at most urban venues where noise limiters are fitted, it is the Hirers responsibility to advise the entertainer of the requirements. Live music can only be played until 2230hrs after which only recorded music is possible. Live music is not possible on a Sunday without a temporary event notice being applied for to the local Licensing Authority by Glenmore House, and will likely only permit live music, if approved, until 8.30pm.


  1. Insurance Arrangements


Glenmore House has Public Liability Insurance insofar as injuries from the defect of the Premises or of the contents of the building(s) are concerned. Glenmore House cannot insure injury arising from negligence by the Customer. Customers should therefore note that they must accept responsibility for suitable supervision and/or take out adequate insurance cover. To conform with Health & Safety Regulations, the Hirer shall be responsible for confirming with any artist who uses their own electrical equipment during the function, that the equipment has been tested and complies with current safety regulations for public performance. The Hirer will be responsible for facilitating the forwarding of the relevant Public Liability Insurance Certificate, or a copy thereof, to Glenmore House. Glenmore House recommends the use of Event Insurance Service, and will be happy to provide a leaflet. For those taking out Wedding Insurance through this provider, then the £750 deposit paid will be credited to the final invoice, to those without insurance through this provider please see item p.9 (vi)


  1. Admission and Liability


Glenmore House reserves the right through its Food & Beverage Manager/ Wedding Coordinator, Licensee or any other authorized person to refuse admission to, or remove from its premises any person considered to be behaving or likely to behave in a manner prejudicial to the Company. Glenmore House shall not be liable for any delay in performing or failure to perform its obligations as a result of fire, shortage of labour or food supplies, strikes, industrial disputes or other cause beyond the control of the Company. The Hirer shall indemnify Glenmore House against all costs, charges, claims, expenses, demands and liabilities incurred by or made against the Company as a result of the negligence or wilful default of the Hirer or of his/her guests.16.Licensing Laws. The Licensing Laws pertaining to persons under the age of 18years shall be strictly enforced. The Hirer shall be responsible for the orderly conduct of any function, and shall ensure that nothing shall be done which will constitute a breach of the law or in any way cause a nuisance or be an infringement

under HRA, or render possible forfeiture or endorsement of any licence for the sale of alcohol or for music or dancing. All patrons must be off the premises of Glenmore House, which includes the grounds of the premises, by the licensing law requirement (see overleaf) no compromise is possible Law. Where a bar extension is necessary a surcharge will be made by Glenmore House at the rate of £75 per hour for the extension period. Glenmore House is in a residential area; all patrons are expected to leave the premises in a considerate manner. Smoking is not permitted within Glenmore House. A designated smoking area is defined by the terms of the licence, the location of which will be advised to Customers and is indicated by a yellow and black post. All patrons wishing to smoke must utilise the area designated, and not stand at the rear doors due to this restriction placed on Glenmore House by the Licensing Authorities. The Licensing requirement requires all persons to be off the premises, which includes the carpark, by 11.30pm unless a late licence has been requested, in which case all persons must be off the premises no later than 12.30. A late licence will not be permitted by the Licensing Authority on a Sunday.


  1. Approval from Superintendent Registrar – civil ceremonies only:

Prior approval and attendance of the Superintendent Registrar or his/her Deputy is required before any Civil Wedding ceremony can take place and Glenmore House accepts no responsibilities for their actions. It is the Customers responsibility to pay the Registrars fees and make all necessary arrangements for their attendance.


  1. Conclusion

Any questions arising from the interpretation of these conditions and charges will be determined by the Company whose decision will be final.





Guidance Notes for Civil Ceremonies at Glenmore House

1. As soon as you and your prospective partner have made provisional arrangements for your marriage at Glenmore House you should contact the Superintendent Registrar for Kingston Upon Thames at the Register Office, 35 Coombe Road, Kingston, KT2 7BA - Telephone No. 020 8546 0920.

2. The marriage cannot take place on these premises unless the Superintendent Registrar or his Deputy is present. It is therefore essential that you and your prospective partner make an advance booking with the Superintendent Registrar for his, or his Deputies attendance at your marriage as soon as a booking can be accepted. A separate fee is payable direct to the Registrar before the Ceremony.

3. You are also advised that any arrangements made for a marriage to take place on these premises are dependent on:

a) The Superintendent Registrar for Kingston Upon Thames, or his Deputy, being present; and

b) The issue of the authority or authorities for marriage by the Superintendent Registrar(s) to whom notice of marriage was given.   

4. When notice is given in a different registration district from the one where the marriage is taking place, you and your partner will have to collect the authority before the Ceremony and ensure that it is delivered to the registrar who is to attend the Ceremony.  

5. You and your prospective partner are advised that only a civil, non-religious Ceremony can be permitted on these premises by the Superintendent Registrar. Any music, reading, words or performance, which forms any part of the Ceremony, must be secular. The content of the Ceremony must be agreed in advance with the Superintendent Registrar who will be attending the Ceremony.

6. Any rights of copyright for music, readings etc. permitted at the Ceremony are a matter for you and your prospective partner and the Surbiton Masonic Hall Limited.